Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happiness Project: Month 1 reflection

After three weeks of focusing on increasing my energy, I think I am finally starting to feel a little more vitality. I’ve been wearing my pedometer for two weeks and adding steps each day. Yesterday, a seemingly normal day, I walked 6,000 steps without any extra “walk” to talk of. In the coming weeks, a change in my work schedule will allow me more “me” time and hopefully allow me to continue to work on this goal. As for sleeping, this too has been a little better. I still tend to wake up very startled and anxious but I have been sleeping throughout the night better. I’ve been limiting my television and computer time at night and laying off the night-time snacks. I am confident by continuing to think about my energy and consciously make an effort to do more for me and relax my energy will return to its previous vigor.

For Rubin’s second month, she focuses on her marriage. I have been married nearly four years verses 14 plus- years but still can relate with many of the things she is talking about. Her main goal is to love better. She adds mini goals like stop nagging, lighten up and offer tangible proofs of love. I’ll expand more how it applies to me and how I can incorporate this into my relationship after I reflect and do some research. I may adapt my own goals this month to find a way to make my relationship better.

For the rest of this week, I’ll be focusing on increasing my energy and how the past month has really made me feel. Do I feel happier? A little. But is this because I am consciously trying to be more “happy”? Maybe. Only time will tell how this project will work, but I am happy (no pun intended!) with my progress thus far and looking forward to many more months of new discoveries and increased joy!

Until next time,
Fabulous KT

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Month #1 continue – how to sleep better

A few weeks ago, I declared the start of my Happiness Project, based on Gretchen Rubin’s “Happiness Project.” Each Thursday I’ll be writing about my process and the small steps I’m taking toward a happier me.

After one week of focusing on exercising better, I have discovered 10,000 steps is A LOT. However, having a small little device hooked to my hip measuring my every step is kind of inspiring. In addition to my weekly yoga class, I wanted to add steps to my daily routine and slowly add a little better exercise to my life without having to commit to a crazy work-out schedule. I am hoping to increase my average daily steps by 500 until I reach my 10,000 (or 5 miles a day) goal. Right now, I am averaging about 4500 steps. With the warmer weather approaching, after-dinner walks will soon return and I will quickly be on my way to increasing my energy by exercising better.

Another element that Rubin focused on this month is sleeping better. For me, this is a big challenge. While I do sleep for roughly 8-9 hours, I wake up two to three times a night. The librarian in me did some research and found a few tips to make each night a little better.

1. Avoid using the computer or anything that could cause you to stress. I have been trying to relax and just enjoy my evenings. I’ve been super busy this week so this hasn’t been hard. Instead of sitting on the web, mindlessly browsing Facebook, I’m trying to read or just lay in bed and try to go to sleep.
2. Turn off the TV. This is a hard one, as my hubby and I tend to fall asleep with the tube on. Given his crazy work schedule this time of year, he is usually conked out before me so I’ve been trying to shut off the television when I feel tired instead of trying to “listen” and sleep at the same time.
3. No caffeine, alcohol or other “stuff” before bed. I am not a bit drinker and too much caffeine makes me jittery so this isn’t really a change for me, just something to pass along.
4.RELAX. This is the big one for me. Bedtime is NOT the time to reflect on the day’s events. It’s not time to solve the world’s problems. It’s time to sleep.

I’m not sure if it is the new energy from exercising or my busy schedule but the past few night have been fairly constant when it comes to sleep. I haven’t gotten up to use the bathroom or found myself waking in a panic (this is another bad habit that I’ve formed by being too stressed.) I’m trying to let things go and not worry so much. It’s often easier said than done but there is a conscious effort going on.
Thus far on my journey, I have been a little bit “happier”. Like I said, I’m trying not to worry as much and trying to live life to the fullest every day.

Next week, I’ll reflect on how this month has been and what to look forward to for May. For now, I’ll leave you with a quote or mantra that my Yoga instructor read the other night… “I am strong. I am healthy. I am beautiful.” No matter what people may think, it is important to always remember this. By focusing on increasing my energy, I am reminding myself that yes, I am strong. I am healthy and I am beautiful!

Until Next Time,
Fabulous KT

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wonderful weekend…

It’s been a LONG time since I could actually say I had a fabulous weekend. On Friday, a friend had a Lia Sophia jewelry party. I’ve been to a lot of these great jewelry parties but not in a while, hence the exorbitant number of items I purchased. First, I found an adorable necklace to wear for my sister’s bachelorette, grabbed up fabulous cuff I’d been eyeing for a while, a few pairs of great earrings and a present for my mother-in-law’s upcoming birthday. I also won the “game’ and got a stylish bangle (for free) and five dollars off! Go me!

On Saturday, it was more shopping fun as I headed out to the outlets with my mom and sis. I had a few gift cards from my birthday so I was able to score some super deals. I stocked up on a lot of basics including tank tops (I wear them every day!), khakis and two pairs of summer shoes. I also found a fun hat and shirt for dirt cheap. It was so nice to just spend the day with my fam and to take part in my favorite pastime – shopping!!!

When I got home, there was no rest for the weary. I headed out to a late dinner and drinks with my sister and law and some friends. It has become a monthly ritual for us all to get together, grab some dinner and hit the town. I made it a kind of early night as I was pooped out from shopping. No matter, the evening out was the perfect topper to an excellent day.

On Sunday, I wish I could say was real exciting but it mostly consisted of housework, laundry and some spring cleaning. My husband though did treat me to some yummy BBQ chicken. He’s becoming quite the cook…okay, only if it includes a grill but still I am happy to oblige.

After a very busy, but truly wonderful weekend, it was back to work on Monday. Nothing too exciting there, but after work, we took our bikes out for the first ride of the year. I lovingly named my Trek bicycle, Louis because the pattern on the frame reminded me of a Louis Vuitton bag. Hehe. It was a great first ride for the spring and I am so happy to be able to get back out there after a very LONG winter.

Today, it terrific Tuesday with yoga, AI and Glee to look forward to this evening…Yippy!

Until Next Time,
Fabulous KT

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Month #1 = Strive for more energy

Last week, I declared the start of my Happiness Project, based on Gretchen Rubin’s “Happiness Project.” Each Thursday I’ll be writing about my process and the small steps I’m taking toward a happier me.

The first monthly “goal” Rubin sets for her happiness project is to improve her energy by focusing on things like getting more sleep, exercising better and having a positive outlook. Because everyone’s happiness plan is a bit different, there will be times throughout the process when I am sure I will deviate from her project and create my own way. For this month though, more energy definitely sounds like something that would add to my personal enjoyment and daily happiness. Every day, it seems from 3 p.m. on. I am in mega-need for a pick me up. Usually, I just push this aside and forge through the day. However, perhaps if I had more energy in general, the afternoon would be something I look forward to, instead of dread.

To start off, I am going to focus on exercising better. To me, this doesn’t mean overdoing it and setting crazy gym goals but finding a nice balance between getting healthy and exercising my body. As I’ve mentioned before, I started yoga in February and love it. As part of my plan, I am going to continue to commit to at least one class a week. This has already improved my mental state and flexibility. I am hoping in conjunction with my other exercise goals, it will start to improve my physical state as well.

Next, it’s time to strap on the sneakers and get walking. I’ve never been a “runner”. Yes, in junior high, I did run for field hockey and basketball but never for much enjoyment. However, I love to take a long walk, (preferably, along a nice warm beach, but I settle for my spring-time neighborhood!). Given the cold winter climate where I live, I tend to hibernate all winter and long for sunny days and warm temps. Rubin talked about how she started keeping track of her steps with the help of a handy pedometer. She set a goal of 10,000 steps each day. So last night, I picked up my own pedometer and after I figure it out, will be starting to keep track of my daily “steps”. I am fairly active during the day (or at least I think) so it will be interesting to see how much I really move. Even by incorporating this simple tool, along with a few extra weekly walks, I’ll be one ‘step’ closer to my goal. They say every journey begins with a first step…so here I go on my way to a happier me.

After I tackle the idea of exercising toward more energy, I’ll focus on the opposite, getting better sleep. Unlike Rubin, I probably get enough sleep (at least 8hours) but I don’t sleep well. If I can start to relax and learn to sleep better, then hopefully my energy will improve and I will start to feel better.

Until next time,
Fabulous KT

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesdays are terrific…

While Friday has always been my favorite day of the week, Tuesday is starting to grow on me.

First, it’s not Monday. You are one step closer to the weekend, which equals less work and more fun!

Second, it’s Yoga night. I have come to depend on my weekly relaxation and don’t see the hour and a half class as exercise but more like a mental health date that helps me stretch my muscles and my mind.

As an added bonus, while I’m at class, my hubby makes dinner. Now, he isn’t anywhere close to master chef, it is nice to have someone take care of me for a change!
Then after yoga, it’s time for American Idol. I am not ashamed to admit, I LOVE to watch the Tuesday performances! Then tonight, it’s the return of Glee! I’m not sure if this is going to be its new regular time slot but even if just for tonight….hooray for the other guilty pleasure show I can’t miss.

The sun is shining and hopefully the day continues to be as terrific as it looks on paper. I’m really trying to embrace the little things in my quest toward happiness. This month in My Happiness Project, it is all about embracing my vitality and working to improve my energy. They say a positive attitude and just thinking more energetic/happy thoughts can help…so here’s to trying and smiling.

Until next time,
Fabulous KT

Monday, April 12, 2010

Get some sun...giveaway style!

Check out this great giveaway for a cool new product called "tan in a can". I love the look of sun-kissed skin but know the dangers of tanning and too much sun. I'm a big fan of the Jergens sunless tan lotion. It's fairly inexpensive yet leaves no streaks or orange colored hands. With spring and summer swiftly approaching, I'm hoping to have a new "tan in a can" to sport very soon!

Until next time,
Fabulous KT

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Happiness Project

One of my goals for my 30th year is to live my life to the fullest and enjoy every second. One of my fabulous gifts at my surprise party was a copy of Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project from my sassy sister. Rubin wrote the book chronicling year-long journey toward happiness. While I am just beginning the book, Rubin has already inspired me to start my own project. Each month, I am going to try to achieve a new goal centered on the main goal of becoming “happy”.

The first thing Rubin did was set some personal commandments. So following with that, today, it’s time to set my personal commandments:

1. Always be real – to myself and to others.
2. Tell the truth…always!
3. Do good, feel good.
4. Don’t sweat the small stuff!
5. Count my blessings & enjoy the little moments in life!
6. Don’t worry, be happy!
7. Stop being so self conscious. Be true to myself and not worry what others think!
8. Relax!
9. Make time for me; don’t be afraid to say no to others!
10. Eliminate the negativity – be it attitude, people or things!

These are not individual goals but more a philosophy on how I want to live my life- a new attitude for a new decade! Thursdays seem to be a good day to reflect so each Thursday I am going to try to blog about my progress. Next week, I will be talking about the goal for the upcoming month that will center on increasing my energy and overall vitality.

Until next time,
Fabulous KT

Monday, April 5, 2010

Learning how NOT to be perfect

Reading has always been my escape – my way to relax and head off to another world. That being said, I tend to look for works that inspire me or make me feel something while still being fresh and enjoyable. However, every so often I also try to read something with a little more substance that can help me grow or learn something new. Super Girls Speak out: Inside the Secret crisis of Overachieving Girls by Liz Funk was the latest book that really made me think about myself and my journey toward personal acceptance. This ethnographic-memoir-self-help book talks about the increasing number of girls who are striving to be perfect in every sense of the word. From overbooked social calendars to chart-topping grades to having the perfect hair color, girls (and grown women) are placing high, sometimes unrealistic expectations on themselves and feeling the pressure. The book is probably geared more toward college-aged girls than my more “mature” self. But I found the book fascinating. Even though I am a bit older than most of the girls covered in the book, I could totally relate to the feelings of insecurity and self-driven pressure to be the best. Whether it is having the “perfect” body or the “best job”, perfectionism spans the generations. The stories of harried high school life brought me back to my own teenage years when being popular, smart and beautiful were top priorities. I could still relate to many experiences even in my post-collegiate “grown up” life. I’d like to say I’ve “grown” out of the perfection model, but that would be a lie. Perfectionism is something that lives deep within me. I am working on accepting my flaws and learning to love the life I live instead of coveting a “better” one. Funk gave some interesting insight to a world I know too well and reminded me that I am not alone. While being the best is not always a bad thing to strive for, it is not the end-all, be-all of life. Our flaws and mistakes are what shape us and make us individuals. There is nothing wrong with striving to do more, but sometimes it’s good to stop and breathe. This is a definite recommended read for any woman who’s ever struggled with what it’s like to never be satisfied.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Looking foward

So once again, I’ve become a little lackadaisical in my postings. Instead of going into all the reasons why I haven’t been inspired, I decided to write a little post about five things I’m looking forward to in the coming weeks and months.
1.Easter/Springtime! I love that the weather is finally starting to turn and Easter seems to be a perfect symbol of the upcoming season. We are out of the darkness of winter and ready to enjoy life again in the spring and summer. Time to put aside any negative thoughts and focus on the positive! I love the sunshine and really think it helps me cope when I am feeling down. Silly I know, but definitely true!
2.Shopping at the outlets! In mid-April, my mom, sis and I are heading west for a day of shopping at the outlets. Thanks to some of my fabulous friends at my birthday party, I still have gift card for two stores that can be used at the factory stores! Yippee, it’s like free money and bargains, what can be better?
3.My little sister’s bridal weekend!. I’ve been in the mist of planning a fabulous shower that has now been booked at a local restaurant. We will be having a yummy brunch buffet on a cute place located on the lake. I found some great invites online and just have to order them. Favors will be an adorable pen and pad combo. My sis loves pens and always writes her notes on the smallest pieces of paper possible it seems. LOL. These purse-size note pads are the perfect favor to say thanks to all her family and friends for showering her with love. Plans have also been confirmed for even better bachelorette party that will take place after the shower. We will be heading to a new nightclub/dance club at a nearby casino. I booked a couple of rooms at a nearby hotel and the whole night should be a blast. Can’t wait for this weekend in mid-May
4.Warm weather and my pool! We put an in-ground pool at our house in 2008. Last year, I don’t think I got to enjoy it as much as I would have liked with a busy work schedule and kind of cold summer. This summer, the heater will be working in the pool and I am going to make time for me. I love to relax and read a good book by the pool. This is one of the few luxuries we have and boy, I am going to enjoy every minute of it.
5.My sister’s big wedding day in June! Obviously, the big event in the next few months is my sister and her boy’s big day. I can’t wait to wear my pretty bridesmaid dress and dance the night away as we celebrate their love. Wedding are always special and this one will definitely be great.

It’s been a tough few weeks for me but I am trying to focus on the good stuff that is happening and all I have to look forward to. This is truly going to be a fabulous summer – if I let it! So let the good times begin!