I usually don’t do too much for my birthday besides some dinner with the hubby, a nice cake with the fam and maybe, if I’m really lucky, a drink or two with a few friends. This year, as the big day approached I kept asking around and trying to make plans. But NOBODY wanted to play for my birthday. No dinner plans were made, no plans to go out. Nothing. My parents agreed to come out on Sunday but as it started to get closer to my birthday, I started to get kind of grumpy. Why didn’t anyone what to celebrate? Didn’t they know it was my BIG birthday?
So when my husband told me we were going to go out to dinner, I didn’t think anything was up. He was acting a little strange but I didn’t think he had anything big planned. He told me before we left for dinner we had to stop by a local restaurant to pick out the menu for his dad’s surprise 60th birthday which is coming up. I still thought maybe something was up but didn’t have any reason to believe otherwise.
As we pulled into the parking lot, I still was scanning for vehicles I might recognize. I knew if something was up, my parents and sis would definitely be there. But nope, I couldn’t see their car. Then as we pulled into a spot, I saw my sister-in-law’s car in clear view. (She has very distinctive “decals” on her vehicle.) I started to smile and made some sarcastic comment about his silly sister but by then he said was ready to burst and just wanted me to get inside.
As I approached the door, I could see through the glass, my sister, best friend and Dad sitting at the first table. As I walked through the door, I was amazed at the roomful of people. I never expected my husband to organize such a nice party (there were about 45 people there). If anything, I had maybe thought a nice dinner with my family but never this.
The party was beautiful. The food was yummy. And I scored some pretty amazing gifts (I’ll blog about them more as the week goes on.) I am truly blessed to have such a nice hubby to do this for me. Just when I thought no one cared, he reminded me of all the good in my life. Here are a few pics from the party.

B and I posing near the Easter bunny. (Funny story... on our first date 9 years ago, B and I got our picture taken with the Mall Easter Bunny. Haha..Random but so true!)

Mommy and Daddy with their birthday girl

Me and my Sassy sister
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