Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fabulous Read…

As a librarian, I do love a good book. I enjoy random stories ranging from light and fluffy chick lit to some non-fiction to prize winning pieces. The latest book I finished was The Help by Kathryn Stockett and was definitely award-winning quality in my opinion.

Without giving too much away, the story centers around three main characters living in Mississippi in the early 60s, two black maids and a young woman who decide to use the talent as a writer to bring light to the civil rights situation. The characters are well developed and the writing is superb – going between each characters own voice. By the end of the novel, I really felt like I “knew” the characters and could picture the southern setting. Buzz amongst my librarian friends is this could be a Pulitzer Prize contender. It certainly has my vote!

Has anyone read anything good lately? I’m always looking for a new adventure.

Until next time,
Fabulous KT


Everyday Adventures said...

I sooooo want to read it!!!!

Adja said...

hey kar, that is too funny... someone just recommended that to me yesterday. I just finished reading Winter garden it was awesome... a full gamet of emotions & twists. Maybe you've read it. I'm always looking for a good read. I've also heard that Not my Daughter is good.