How far along? Almost 17 weeks
Baby's size? According to one website, Bam (as in our little Bambino) is the size of a Pear
Weight Gain? Maybe a pound or two total
Maternity clothes? A pair of jeans and a couple of shirts. Most of my clothes are still fitting. I also just bought some bigger sized pants and have been rocking the elastic waist.
Stretch marks? Nope -- please Coco Butter Lotion work your magic and keep those nasty marks away. LOL
Belly button in or out? Still in
Sleep? I have no trouble falling asleep that’s for sure. But some nights I am out for the whole night; others I am up every few hours.
Foods I am loving? I am actually just starting to enjoy food again. The first three-plus months were rough. Nothing tasted good. Now things are starting to sound good again but still no cravings.
Foods I am hating? Anything fried or super strong fragrance. Still eating pretty conservatively to make sure Bam is happy
Best moment this week? Not feeling sick all day long!!! And meeting with our day care provider. Just one thing I can check off the long list of to-dos.
Movement? I know from our 12-week sono, Bam likes to move it! I haven’t felt anything per say but I am waiting. There have been a few twinges that may have been movement -- or it might have just been gas. LOL
Symptoms? Super sensitive tummy but overall not too bad
Gender? ??? If all goes well, we will find out in a few short weeks.
What I miss? Being able to pull anything out of my closest and having it fit and look good.
What I'm looking forward to? Finding out if we’re having a little Miss or Mister Mister.
Weekly Wisdom: Try not to get stressed. Everything will work out and you can’t worry about everything. (This is what I remind my worrisome self every day.)
Until next time,
Fabulous KT
Woo hoo! The big announcement! Love it! You should definitly do this every week, there are so many blogs I follow who did this and I think its fun and helps you track your pregnancy! I finally get to see the bump,,,woo hoo! You look beautiful!! So soon I can give you a huge hug and rub the bam! Love you lots and soo super happy and excite for you and my bro in law:)
Ditto.. ditto... ditto...I agree 100% w/ Sara!!!! :O) The time will go so quickly so my advise is track it all you'll be happy that you'll have it to look back on someday. Oh & the first time I felt Ty move, I looked up fully expecting that the whole world noticed lol- That's what I miss most about being preg. its simply amazing, it does feel like a bit a of a flutter- My guess is you'll feel your little "Bam" any time now :O) Sending lots of love your way!
Congrats to you and Ben! I'm so happy for you both! I hope you start to post some photos on here so I can watch your little baby grow!!
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