So once again, my blogging has taken a short break due to the craziness of life. When I last wrote, my job at the college was in question due to budget issues and I was planning to do some part-time non-librarian work. However, a fabulous new position at a public library I'd been trying to get into for the past two years opened up and I was offered the position!!! I had worked there on a substitute/part-time basis so I was super excited to get into a real librarian position with full-time hours and benefits. I am only a week and a half into training but can already tell this is going to be great!! I know I may sound a bit like a nerd but the duties of the job are actually interesting and I feel invigorated to go to work. I know its still early in the game but I think this may be heading toward a happy place for me!!!
In other events, my
little sister is now a Mrs. Her wedding was beautiful and the wedding events were amazing. Her dress was gorgeous and the venue was fabulous. I performed my matron of honor (or as I prefer, married maid of honor) duties with little problem. I read two passages in church and didn't flub up and my speech was a hit. On the plus side, I was also compared to a greek goddess at several points throughout the night so my dress/hair must have been working. LOL
I'll try to post some pictures too in the coming weeks of past fun events. I've also been working on some small home-improvement projects I'd like to share. And last but certainly not least, I am still very much committed to my happiness project. I have kept up on the being more active and getting better sleep goals -- even throughout the crazy changes in my life. I'm still working on the improving my marriage parts but I am ready to tackle a new goal for July.
For now, I am enjoying the new gig and looking forward to enjoying my favorite time of year!

Summer in Upstate NY is beautiful and I can't wait to get out and enjoy it. Perhaps some small hiking adventures and for sure some pool time. So sorry for the lapse in my posts but hopefully things are heading in a good direction. I have a feeling they might be...
Until next time,
Fabulous KT
1 comment:
Yay!!!! Glad to have you back in the blog world!!! See you in a couple weeks sissy!! love you:)
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