Simply Fabulous
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. ~ Coco Chanel ~
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Life is a highway...
Often we get so caught up in what isn't going good that we forget to look around at what is good. My life is filled with lots of good things -- my family, my friends, etc. etc.. Now it is time to enjoy those things and put the negativity out. I can only imagine where the next few years will take me and how they will shape me. But I know one thing, I am going to try to sit back and enjoy this crazy ride.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Where'd she go???
I want to return to my writing and focus more on making this blog what it should be - a record of my life. It may not be super exciting but it's my life and finally I'm enjoying it. So thanks to the handful of ladies who read this. Hopefully in the coming weeks, you will be seeing more from me.
Good to be back!
Yours always,
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
An announcement...

How far along? Almost 17 weeks
Baby's size? According to one website, Bam (as in our little Bambino) is the size of a Pear
Weight Gain? Maybe a pound or two total
Maternity clothes? A pair of jeans and a couple of shirts. Most of my clothes are still fitting. I also just bought some bigger sized pants and have been rocking the elastic waist.
Stretch marks? Nope -- please Coco Butter Lotion work your magic and keep those nasty marks away. LOL
Belly button in or out? Still in
Sleep? I have no trouble falling asleep that’s for sure. But some nights I am out for the whole night; others I am up every few hours.
Foods I am loving? I am actually just starting to enjoy food again. The first three-plus months were rough. Nothing tasted good. Now things are starting to sound good again but still no cravings.
Foods I am hating? Anything fried or super strong fragrance. Still eating pretty conservatively to make sure Bam is happy
Best moment this week? Not feeling sick all day long!!! And meeting with our day care provider. Just one thing I can check off the long list of to-dos.
Movement? I know from our 12-week sono, Bam likes to move it! I haven’t felt anything per say but I am waiting. There have been a few twinges that may have been movement -- or it might have just been gas. LOL
Symptoms? Super sensitive tummy but overall not too bad
Gender? ??? If all goes well, we will find out in a few short weeks.
What I miss? Being able to pull anything out of my closest and having it fit and look good.
What I'm looking forward to? Finding out if we’re having a little Miss or Mister Mister.
Weekly Wisdom: Try not to get stressed. Everything will work out and you can’t worry about everything. (This is what I remind my worrisome self every day.)
Until next time,
Fabulous KT
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Most wonderful time of the year -- cards from Shutterfly!
The process is so simple to make your card. After you’ve choose your design and your picture, you upload your photo, personalize the verse and choose your order. Simple and the result is a professional looking card that makes a great keepsake.
I’ve used Shutterfly to order prints all the time but I was amazed at all the different products they had. A great Christmas gift idea is the personalized wall calendars . Back in the day, I made a calendar similar to this for my now MIL with pictures of B and I. She always claimed she didn’t have any pictures so I gave her a whole year worth. Of course, I did it the old-fashioned way with pics and glue and lots of scrapbook paper. These digital options are a great gift idea and something I may consider in the future. These are an especially great idea for people with children or grandchildren. Everyone needs a calendar so why not make it special.
Another product I think looks super cool is the canvas wall art. This would be a great wedding gift or baby gift -- turning your favorite picture into a piece of art. This would definitely take some time to find the right picture but once again the process seems really simple. Upload your pic, choose your size and order away.
So far my experience with Shutterfly has been really positive. The end results are always professional and polished without taking lots of time (or money!) Simple, easy and fabulous - perfect for a girl like me.
Bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly… sign up:
Until Next Time,
Fabulous KT
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Where'd you go?
Yes, my 30-day attempt at blogging faithfulness has failed. But I made it ten days so that was good. Yes, it has been over a month since my last posting. No, I don’t really have anything to say other than, my home computer is kind of temperamental, I’ve been busy enjoying the fall with a trip up to the Adirondacks with my BFF, local apple mill with my parents and I’ve been feeling pretty lazy. But enough about that... I’m back now!
To recap the past month plus, I share some highlights;
- Saw Lady A at the State Fair …FOR FREE!
- Visited with my Texas sister before she headed back to her new southern home
- Celebrated my parents 34th wedding anniversary with a nice lunch
- Hosted a Pampered Chef party
- Visited Lake Placid for three days with my hubby, best friend and her hubby
- Participated in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk
- Finally got to check out a sweet cider mill and pumpkin farm nearby.
- Worked full-time at my awesome job (which is facing a major budget crisis, so keep your finger’s crossed that all stays good!)
- Decorated for fall and Halloween -- including a very sassy pumpkin painting
Whooo…I am tired just reading this. I guess throw in your normal everyday stuff and I’ve been pretty busy. In the upcoming month, I am hoping for a nice relaxing month before the craziness of the holidays. While I know I only have a few faithful readers, thanks for you continued support. I’ll try to stay more connected and might even try another daily reflection exercise - this time maybe I’ll stick to ten or so days!
Until next time,
Fabulous KT
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Day 10: A long time ago..
Days 7-9: Photo fun
Day 7: A photo that makes me happy
I took this photo while on a trip to wine country in California. Even though the weather wasn't super warm, the scenery was beautiful. I am not a big the vino but definately thought this was one of the most beautiful places I've visited.