Despite the foot and a half of snow that dumped on us toward the end of last week, I had a surprisingly sunny weekend complete with family, fun and some inspiration. On Friday, the hubby and I took a short trip to my parents (about an hour from our house) to hear my dad and friends play music at the local legion for the weekly fish fry. My sister also came “home” for the night. It was nice to visit and chat and enjoy each other’s company. We stayed the night and then after a yummy pancake breakfast from my daddy, we headed back to our house for an afternoon of snowmobile fun. I am not really an outdoorsy kind of girl – especially in the winter. But my husband enjoys the snow and so a couple of times a year, I indulge him and go for a ride. The snow was actually pretty in a few spots. (Not so much in the others where I proceeded to get the machine stuck – twice!) After a 40 mile ride, we headed home and snuggled on the couch for some movie time (The Time-Traveler’s Wife – excellent!) and relaxation.
On Sunday, as my husband continued to work on our latest renovation project, I took the time to declutter some spaces and just relax. I also completed my vision board. I have been working on this project for a while. For those of you wondering what a vision board is, it is essentially a poster-like collage of quotations you want to live by, goals you want to accomplish and things you’d like to acquire or achieve. It is centered on the rule of positivity and getting what you put out. If you put out good vibes, you should get good vibes back.
I’ve been in a funk for the past year and I am really trying to focus on relaxing and getting back to my true happy self. As I’ve mentioned before, I started taking yoga a few weeks back. I’ve discovered there is so much more to the class than the physical rejuvenation. The body is only one-third of the package – if your mind isn’t at ease and your soul is tortured, you can never achieve true relaxation. The vision board is just one step in my journey to rediscover happiness and relaxation. Taking time to enjoy life and not worrying so much about the details that can get us down is a new priority. I’m taking each day at a time and definitely still have my crank-pot days. I try to remember every journey begins with one step and every step brings me closer to my goals.
Until next time,
Fabulous KT
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